Monday, April 16, 2012

Well, I've picked my first Pinterest inspired project.
#1  Storing Printables without a File Cabinet originally from the website

This would fall into the teaching category.... sorry for all you non-teachers out there.... if you are an organized person, like OCD organized, I'm sure this would work in some aspect of your home life. Basically this lady used Poly Envelopes that close with snaps and decorative fabric boxes to organize all those printables and handouts that teachers amass in their years of teaching instead of manila folders and metal cabinets.

This pin spoke to me instantly because I am without a file cabinet in my classroom this year and frankly the years I have had one, I haven't utilized them as I should.  
So, this afternoon I set off the OfficeDepot to look for the Poly Envelopes. They were just too expensive there and not sold in sets.  So, I headed off to Target, where the blog clearly states you can get the best deal and she was right.  I bought them out as she suggested because the was already the 2nd Target I'd gone to to find them.  (Nope, not available for online purchase)  I bought 4 sets of 5 and all the singles the had.  Then I headed to the home department to find the cloth boxes the blog recommended.  I figured since she had been right on cue with the envelopes, I should trust her suggestions from here on out.  Once again, I found the boxes and they were probably the best deal for that kinda item.  Lucky me, the former teacher in my classroom left a label maker.
So, tomorrow I'm taking my 26 poly envelopes and 4 fabric boxes to school to start the organizational part of this project.  I plan to take it one step farther than the blog and organize them by color and labeling them by standard.  It was a little costly at start up... we'll see how many more folders I need, hopefully I won't need anymore boxes.

2- 2packs of ClosetMaid fabric storage boxes @ $13.79 ea
4- 5 packs of Poly Envelopes with snap closure @$3.84 ea
6 single Poly Envelopes @ $1.32
TOTAL= $55.02 including tax (A little more than I like to spend on anything work related, better be worth it, we'll see.)

Let the organization tomorrow!

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